Thursday, October 15, 2009

Meanwhile in ludville

With all the computer design and laser cutting featured lately my work bench tools are starting to feel a bit unloved. However they have been used a bit, and tonight I arrived home to the hard won fruits of my loins (so to speak).
A while ago I made a master for an NZR non working coupler, and sent it off to be cast. They are now back, and I'm very impressed with the casting finish, and also that I can't quite believe that something I made could come out so well.

'what a load of old couplers'

So how do they work then. I designed the block at the back to fit into the Trackgang coupler pocket. When the block in glued to the chassis floor, the couplers should all wind up at the same height. And yes, this is indeed the case.

The hooks are made from 0.5mm brass wire. this is soldered in so that the top of the wire is level with the top of the coupler shank. I then bend the wire 2mm away from the coupler face making sure that it is slightly more than a 90 degree bend. A pair of pliers cuts the hook to length. To finish up I then squash it and file to shape.

The airbrake hose is bent to a spot roughly under the coupler.

The results won't win any awards any time soon, but they are a step towards a more prototypical look, and are finitely better than the old rapido couplers I've used previously.


RKBL said...

how does a train run with these types of couplers.

Motorised Dandruff said...

not sure what you mean? The wagons will run round a 15" radius curve without binding, and by opening the hole in the coupler out a little I think that they would go tighter.

RKBL said...

thats good to hear that they work, ( thats what I was getting at.)
So when are you going to mas produce them for sale :)