Monday, March 29, 2010

Railway history

I went for a bit of a drive at the weekend before the lady of the house arrived home. Several weeks ago another local modeler had told me the whereabouts of a famous relic of the Nelson railway that I had always wanted to see.

For those of you unfamiliar with the story; When the railway was being removed in 1956, One night some locals nipped out and purloined the station sign and railway crossing sign. These were stashed up in the hills until the police had stopped looking for them, and one night were re-erected into this sign.

While on my travels I also set out to photograph an interesting old bridge that can bee seen from the main road south out of town.

This appears to be a remnant from the old railway and one I have not seen mentioned anywhere with remains of the railway. It certainly looks like the piers of a railway bridge (the foot bridge on top is an addition, and its right where it should be on the old trackbed.

As a bonus, here's an old house I found on my travels. Worth a crack modeling something like this if you have an open field.

'Chateau Druff had seen better times...'


sxytrain said...

All could be cause for another Journal article. Congrates on seeing the nz120 history in print (at long last).

lalover said...

Theres a couple of houses like that (probably more than a couple!) along side the line outta Wellywood!
Would indeed make an interesting model for the background.