Some of you will remember that I have put together a wish list of locomotives that will fit on my a-building Patea layout, namely:
DFB: 7348 (Green), 7241 (TR Blue), 7200 (Black)
DXB: 5074 (Green), 5108 (KR Phase II), 5137 (KR Phase I), 5120 (TR Blue), 5166 (Black), 5143 (KR Phase I)
DC: 4110 (TR Blue), 4191 (NZRC Blue), 4409 (FS) 4438 (Black)
This list was first concocted last year after my first ride with Drew and so accurately reflects how things were over the 2008/2009 Milk season.
Just over 12 months on, and things have changed more than youd think! The DX's have seen the most changes; 5074, 5120 and 5166 have all been outshopped in the latest KR scheme....5120 and 5166 have both been in for overhauls, but 5074 was only in for remedial work and quickly reappeared only a few days later. Similarly, 5114 and even DXR8007 have suffered a similar fate, which looks like a plan to eradicate the old "Corn Cob" scheme as quickly as possible.

Admittedly, this "Repaint it all" movement had me worried for my fave 7348, and everytime I saw her in the paddock in Wellington I wondered if it was about to disappear....possibly to come out in MAXX blue and disappear to Auckalnd! HORROR!!!
Unfortunately, I've just had it confirmed.....both 7348 and 7200 from the wishlist (plus 7104) are about to get the MAXX treatment over the next few months (I have registered my displeasure with those concerned!!).

Sigh....already I'm an historical modeller, but luckily I made it a priority to track down and photograph all these locomotives THE WAY I WANTED THEM in case they changed quickly while I wasnt looking. Lets face it, we live in interesting times, and with the arrival of the DL class later this year, we will see the biggest main line locomotive shake up since the arrival of the EF's caused the withdrawl of the Dj' what will all this mean for the DC's? So, RECORD IT NOW!!!! Who knows where we will even be in a month, let alone 6?
P.S LAST CHANCE to get photos of 5304 in blue....
Too true! With the Dl's coming to the Bay, I'm expecting to see a lot of the 'local' loco's shifting off down the line to replace other worn out loco's.
Believe the Dl's are being shipped to the Mount (July?) and unloaded here. The second shipment (October?) sounds like they're heading to the Midland line for the coal trains.
Speaking of the coal run, yeasterday I heard Kiwi Rail were testing a 45 coal wagon consist with 9 Dx's
Unfortunately for the Mainlanders, the DL's are heading for Northern and Central regions. Speaking for the Central region (which I am familiar with) they will run the milkies and general freight where they can replace DFT/DX + DC combinations with a single DL.
I'll checkup the latest 45 wagon rumour, but last time they tried it they blew couplers twice trying to get up to the tunnel from Otira and had to abandon the test. The trouble isnt horsepower, just drawgear strength.
More food for thought: What will that mean for our friends the DBR's and DQ's?
On the plus side for southerners, it sounds like we're getting more DX's on the MSL.
We're just starting to see kiwi rail painted locos (other than the DSG's) down here.
Better get my shots of the last few 'Blue' DX's before they disappear up north for refurbishment.
Hillside are now in the game as well, with 5520 coming out with the KR2 scheme last week....pity it was botched and had to go in for a repaint, but its interesting that there doesnt seem to be a distinction on where locomotives are worked on now? 7008 is a case in point after its big derailment, subsequently coming out in the KR scheme (the only DFT so far to do so...)
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