In related topics, how does one differentiate DCC controllers on a club setup so that you always get your own back. The answer is quite simple.

The worlds first NZ120 blog. A mix of history of the scale, latest news and some modeling thrown in on the side. Poor spelling an added extra.
Go on then, what is the simple answer to the knob twister's dilemma?
The MRC & NCE DCC systems also have quite nice dials, compared to the toggle/key pad mania which other manufacturers seem to be overly enamoured with.
my, what a handful of knob you have there.
So kind of you to say. A pity its not mine....
Did you ask the Knobs owner if he minded a photo of it being splashed around the internet?
Alright I'll place your game!
They've got bigger knobs than I have!!!
And relevant to current affairs is todays word....vokxiver
A kind of RTD????
I agree the Spectrum is a nice DC controller to use having one at our Club.
I like the ESU twin knob DCC controller there's two handfuls....but not quite the same smooth fluid movement of the Spectrum!
I think you will find that the Bachmann "knobs" are actually designed & produced for them by ESU anyway - now is their "silkiness" a result of an Asian assembly team's efforts rather than those of your average buxom Bavarian blonde assembless?
There appears to be a fair degree of incestuoness in the DCC manufacturing area, with a significant amount of rebadge engineering, rather along the lines of GM - Holden's efforts.
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