Am_Fet writes:
One of my New Years Resolutions (remember those? No, I dont either) was to make more time for my modelling this year. Apart from someone selling me a defective calender that seems to have both January and February missing from it (I'm thinking of complaining), I think I'm well on the way to sorting out a daily timetable to maximising my modelling potential:
0500 - Alarm goes of, get up, work on CAD for an hour
0600 - Get ready for work
0630 - Leave for work
0730 - Arrive at work, check archives for plans and drawings for current projects
0800 - Start work day
1230 - Exercise over lunch hour (walking)
0130 - Back to work
0430 - Leave work, stop off at laser etchers to discuss latest projects.
0530 - Family stuff for the evening
1000 - Sit down at PC and do CAD work. Update project plans
1100 - Bed
After a week of fine tuning, I've streamlined the process to this:
0500 - Alarm goes off. Ask deep philisophical question along the lines of "Whos $$@#$% stupid idea was this?". Hit snooze button
0510 - As 0500. Repeat until....
0610 - realise how late it is. Panic.
0630 - Leave for work having got dressed hurridly in the dark. Regret sartorial decisions for the rest of the day.
0730 - Arrive at work. Surf the Internet and read emails.
0800 - Start work day
1230 - Buy large lunch from New World downstairs.
0430 - Leave work, stop of at laser etchers. Spend entire time talking about etching ideas for the splashback in our new kitchen.
0530 - Family stuff for the evening
1000 - Sit at PC and play a few rounds of Unreal Tournament. Start watching Movie
0030 - Realise what time it is. Bed
With the above timetable now firmly entrenched, I 'm sure most of the things on my to do list should be completed before the next Geological Epoch begins.....If I get my A into G...
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by" (Douglas Adams)
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