Nine and a half thousand sunrises later, during a recent visit to the central brewery at Motorised Dandruff HQ, I noted Captain DruffnStuff had a few spare cast H tops lying around. "I wouldn't mind one of those" I said. "Take two", he said. I proferred some Peco chassis in exchange and stuffed them into the Mini for the long swim home.

Attached to a shorty Peco, some shotgun pellets installed for weight, and with some false roof planking added, this pretty looking thing has languished for the past few weeks before being tarped today. I used Glad Wrap for tarps on an old pair of LCs, and these have held up well in the past 13 or so years (as long as you don't poke them). I like the textures...
For the H I used some very thin plastic bag material that happened to blow past the workbench at an opportune time. The plastic was scrunched up, flattened out again, and attached with contact glue. Some orange-ish paint had yellow added to make it a little less red.

Hmmm. Not too bad, but the glad wrap looks a little better. I should have squished this stuff into the roof boards to make them stand out more under the tarp. If I could ever find some of that Tamiya Smoke that Rhys uses (or my Acrylic Black, which as I type this, recollect was used on a Recabbed DG cab, but that's another story. I've been looking for it for three weeks... Going mad.) then a wash of that might bring out some of the wrinkles. I thought about adding some of that side bracing in the prototype pic, but I think that's a long wheelbase one, whereas Rhys's model is a wee one that may not have had it. That's my excuse anyway.
If you'd like to make your own Seed Traffic H, an Elephant Traffic H (that's why they had the wide doors he says), or even a plain old Livestock Traffic H, Rhys still has a couple of these nice tops that I'm sure he would part with for some food stamps.
Today's somewhat surreal post sponsored by Skyy Vodka plus Orange and Mango smoothie, plus some ice, stirred, not shaken. Mmmmm.
Hmmm might go good on the Rotorua Kinlieth Branchline
@Darryl, sorry for getting of subject but CW wagones are there any for sale as my bother Jolon in NZ want's some, built or flat pack.
regards Manaia
Yes another must in the near future, that H and a T painted in wishy washy white!
Any more photos Mr Bond!
actually just to clarify the issue, was it seeds or sedlings? surely seeds would have fallen through the holes....
Seedlings I believe...
Don't believe I have any more pics, but one never knows what might show up.
OK, I changed the title! I think they were stenciled "SEED TRAFFIC ONLY" rather than "seedling", But I'm pretty sure they carried seed-lings. Then again, that could have just been a dream. I'm sure the Kevin Crosados of this world know for sure.
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