I have only discovered it recently, and after getting over the usual sightseeing (Heres the house I grew up in, heres the letterbox of our current house, hit that bridge in a car one night, etc), I realised what a great tool it is if (like me) you are interested in modelling an area that you may not have direct access to....not so bad for me, admittedly; at least I am in the same island....DB isnt even in the same hemisphere! But I digress...
In discussions with Drew (My Man on the Spot) the area around Mokoia came up in discussions. As well as having a rather quaint concrete block goods shed (more soon) it has an interesting collection of buildings around a road crossing west of the station....and heres the best of them:

What grime! What grunge! What possibilities.....and probably quite easy to whip up out of card for an ECMT photo-dio special....hmmmm......
(BTW, "Gooning" is what my boss calls chasing trains....odd, as he does more of it than me at the moment!)
Sadly the grime and grunge has been replaced with a fresh coat of white-ish paint.
In fact that was done over a year ago now..
Was sad as you could still make out the old Mokoia Dairy Company writing on the side of the building.
If you need more images just let me know.
looks simaler to the Ranfurly engin shed on st veuw, whot was its job?
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