Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The're back....

Just to let you all know that I have been plodding along with the 30' vans, so there is indeed no escape.

This week has just seen the assembly of the sides and ends, and the various extra bits added. Roof's are next, but I might have to buy some balsa wood of the correct thickness (the stuff I already have is 6mm thick, but not really thick, its just 'special')

Also, I've finally got to 'finishing' my 47' van. its been dirtied up a bit, possibly too much given that its probably going to wind up on a relief express or a local Wellington train.


Kiwibonds said...

Good idea painting the window frames before glazing to avoid getting paint on the glass later on.

lalover said...

47 1/2 footer looks nice, you could run it right behind the black steam engine...

Kiwibonds said...

or a pair of smelly DGs