First test tonight. I took my Lc mold ( the one which i had to cut the master out of), and made some changes. These were based on something I found on Nigel Lawton's website ( about casting stuff. He came up with a method similar to using white metal for castings ie pouring the resin in from the bottom, allowing the resin to fill the mold and let air bubbles escape. This is shown in the first picture.

Here's my attempt.

As you can see, the resin has somewhat filled the mold from the bottom, the strips on the top are my attempt to pour resin down the vent holes (DUH!) as it had stopped going in the side filling hole. I think this just made things worse, and the whole lot set as is. on the plus size, there don't appear to be any air bubbles on the casting in the cured section. I think it might work if I enlarge the filler pipe as the resin has to flow through a gap about 1mm in diameter, which might be the whole problem. I'll cut some larger holes and have another go tomorrow night.
Is there any plans for reisn containers?
I started casting some 10 and 20 foot side openers and 20 foot reefers.
Oinises: (Medical). Hmmm
OR - just make some real nice masters and send them off to Zodiac in Auckland and get them cast in whitemetal.
Michael - how many containers do you want ? Cross Creek does still sell them I think.
Blocking the venting holes? What on earth were you thinking??
Jogstra: An athletic support only suitable for walking...
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