Tuesday, January 27, 2009

History update

I'm informed by a Mr Woods that $10 in 1972 is $115 in todays peso's. It does add a bit of perspective to the whole thing, as the 8'6" sole bars and 4'10 passenger bogie side frames would be $14 without wheels.

Anyone now have a hankering for the good old days?

1 comment:

Ben Scaro said...

The 2mm Association magazine back in the late 60s had an article on a TT scale 9 or 9.42mm (?) gauge South African Railways Pacific built from 2mm Assn components. The first NZ120 locomotive ?

Some QR stuff was modelled by Reg Smith of Australia in the 1970s too; all on proprietary N chassis of the era. I used to own it and foolishly gave it away.
