A topic I've not touched on in any post I think. Typical as its the thing I'm not that good at, and is possibly the most vitally important bit of the layout. theres quite a few different companies that make track now. The most commonly available in this country is the ubiquitous PECO which does have a nice selection of points and a code 55 option which is quite clever in its execution, if somewhat difficult to get rail joiners on. Atlas would have to be next, with a range thats not quite that varied. Micro engineering is one that I've never seen here, but it might be common as muck north of the Bombay hills. they also do a code 40 option ( for a look at the complete range
Finally, for flex track there is the el-cheapo track from Upper Golfballawayoo or whatever, which I'm using at the moment until I get of my chuff and pick one of the real companies products (did I say it was cheap?).
Another option I suppose I should mention, for those who have a touch of the sun.
www.handlaidtrack.com has everything you could ever need if you wanted to lay your own track. They also have a good range of track templates.
And finally a question out there for all my readers. How many of you have built a module to the current NZ120 standard, and how many do you own?
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