DB says: I enjoyed reading this recent post from The Fettler of Amateurs. That day, my mind wandered onto: "so what shape is the scale really in in February 2010?"
Well, we're very fortunate to have had Russell bring Trackside/Trackgang back to life and I hope he's selling boatloads of kits. If I didn't have a million other projects on my list I'd be tempted to pick up one of those railcars. Maybe I will....
On a different plane, NZ120.org and this blog has helped bring an online Fellowship of the Thing together and that has to be good for the scale.
But other than those sparks, in a hobby where people come and go with the changing winds, really, how many active NZ120ers actually are there? Because isn't that what really matters?
For although we've managed to inject a little enthusiasm and generate some interest from the sidelines, there doesn't seem to be that much going on out there in the real NZ120 world. Or is there? I don't visit NZ120.org nearly as often as I should, but I only see a few people there actually 'making models' or layouts . There are a handful of regular commenters on this blog, but I know many of them aren't NZ120 folks - they visit in support or because there are so few venues for the NZ modeler to productively pee away 10 minutes of ones workday surfing the web. Maybe there is more action on the Yahoo Group (feel free to prove me wrong and post a comment here, a picture on NZ120.org, or send Rhys something at the email address at the top of this blog).
I sent some pics to the journal, and I sorta hoped to attend the convention this year, or at least send some models or something over, but that is looking unlikely at this stage. I hope those that do make it can fly the NZ120 flag proudly.
What more could one do? I still think that to really take off, NZ120 needs more, or dare I say 'better', wagon chassis options. The current trackgang offerings aren't an option for Darryl as discussed previously, so I've mainly been Microtrainsing amongst other experiments that you may have read about in earlier postings over the past year. The better my models get (and yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder thank you very much!), the more I'm looking at the Peco and Microtrains underframes they're sitting on with a look of concern. I was surprised how much better the RP bogie sideframes look on the DX than the modded Dash 8 ones. Heck, even that 'finescale' code 55 Peco track is starting to look a little daggy in pictures.
Rambling back to wagons for a second: there are moves afoot to make something that not only looks more prototypical, but it also runs well and is easy to use - myself and the MagicMan are keen to make a correct CAD-mastered one-piece modern image brass bogie available. Other elves and vegetables in the wilderness are pondering a two-to-four-piece 4w chassis. All idiotproof, lookin' good and runnin' fine. Otherwise there's not much point is there?

Yes, we've got the band back together, but it still feels like we have fewer members than Dire Straits...!