I had a quick look at the plastic chassis and decided that yes, it could be altered, and we could make some space for another bogie height wise under the motor. I also noticed it was one of the early lifelike mechs with a spring drive, and so I could make these a bit longer. The faint hearted may want to look away at this point. "Aftermath of the Nelson chassis massacre"
The bogie ends were left as is, but the motor mount had the bottom sanded off, and some material removed from the upper side of each end.
I then cut out a 1mm plasticard mount with holes cut in the correct locations, and fixed the bits in place with 5 minute araldite. This will have to be backed by something as there's one thing that araldite doesn't like, and its heat (like from a small electric motor). The drive springs were carefully stretched to fit. I still have to solder the wires back in place, and buy a center bogie from Atlas.
A most interesting chassis chop there sir!
Once the Dj is complete, it could be painted white with telecom logos in an effort to justify its plausible existance at Paikakariki...
Ahem, as you were...
1968 Test Runs in the Manawatu? And yes, it did actually happen....there were photos on the NZHT Yahoo group a few years back of a Dj on a test train at Forest Lakes.
And don't forget the 'around the block' twin blue DJ excursion train run in 1990. Although I think it was dark when it came through Paekok on its way back to Wellington...
Why am i running it at Paekakariki again?
(its out of my time frame anyway)
I thought it was heading north for a south island branchline project?
I think we just enjoy messing with your mind....
Surely you'll want something to run with your recabbed DGs?
Hmm, messing with my mind. Good luck looking for it...
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