Saturday, May 16, 2009

Keep Cool 'til After School: XC Ventilated Van

DB says: I’ve always liked these wee things - the little white box wagons looked nice in a sea of red oxide, and they survived through the 80s so I figured I could do with a few. As they’re so fiddly, I figured I’d make one and cast it.

The master was made from wood-look plasticard with a few holes cut out for the ventilation slots. These were layered on top of a thicker plasticard backing to keep everything straight and some home-scribed vent pieces stuck in. The door and other details were layered on from various shapes of plasticard.

Based on the straightness and squareness of this, I may have been inhaling a few too many resin fumes this week. A few castings were made (more on that in some future episode), and here’s the finished result (below) on a Peco chassis. Remember these pics are several times life size and it looks a little grander from the formally legislated viewing distance.


Amateur Fettler said...

And the total construction time??

Kiwibonds said...

The master was done over two evenings, but it was faster than expected as its fairly complicated - probably 2-3 hours of actual work.

I see from looking at a picture of one last night that the plan I used (from the NZMRG I think) excludes a piece of horizontal strapping across the door. Drat.

lalover said...

Darryl, can I suggest that you give it a very fine grunge wash, so that al those crevices still out!
In the last years of service they liked a little like an old garden shed!!!!

lalover said...

sorry... "Crevices STAND out.."