So hows my railcar coming along?

I've got the car bodies together, but here's my first real complaint. the No 1 end ( with the baggage and engine) at the top goes together fine. The No 2 end at the bottom is a different story.

While its the right width at the end, the floor doesn't fit particularly well (to the point of almost dropping through). However the measurements are all the same for the bits for each car, so I'm buggered if I know whats going on. My suggestion at this point (and for the new owners) might be to provide the internal partitions as this would assist greatly in the initial assembly. At the moment the first step is to solder the sides to the one end, then use the roof to line everything up. this is just a wee bit hinky when its on the bench, and the extra bracing would make it much more user friendly.
Tonights job will be to fillet all the joints with 5 minute araldite to give it some more strength.
(So, ECMT, hows your build coming then. Is it out of the box yet?)
Out of the box ??? You've gotta be kidding - it's safely tucked up in the wardrobe with the 15 or so other unmade kits.
Its not going to run many miles tucked in there now is it....
The sad part about the whole situation is I already had a Railcar from Pat. It was probably the one he used for his pics on the webpage - painted, and decalled on one side. It needed larger radii to run on than I posessed at the time, so I took it back and swapped it for some other kits. Duh !
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