So, a rethink on my plan for the layout/module. I was not overly happy with the tight curve on the mainline which was less than 600 mm.
having a bit of a rethink I then came up with this.

By moving the module ends to the corners of the layout the curve on the mainline is reduced and the station becomes larger, which looks better I think. The other change is on the bush tram side where I've split the viewing area in 2, and added a second loop. The plan is to add a bush camp, possibly with a steam powered skid and a log loading point, but there is a very real possibility that it won't all fit in.
I then started waving the knife around to cut out some of the river gorges. This re aquainted me with the 'joys' of expanded polystyrene...

It looks good, but the mess is unreal and really doesn't want to be cleaned up. I'll have to get the vacuum out there to tidy up. At least its not sticking to my clothes that much. It does give me some interesting riverbed effects though.
I'm now trying to work out how to bend MDF round the edges and get it to hold its shape while it dries. All good fun....
Looks like it will be a nice module/modules. Makes me wish I had more time/room/money to start building the Staircase Viaduct module I have been thinking about for a while.
Staircase would be a great one for bridging between to tables
Put a Micro Module end on each table and the scenery can go right to the floor
Done to scale the viaduct would be 1.2m long and 650 high so would probably be a module in itself just for the viaduct and a little bit of approaches
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