This prompted another train of thought this morning in the shower (its a great place to think); How many of us have earthquake proofed our models?
In other news, Trackgang has announced a teaser of new wagon kits. I have been sworn to secrecy, but I have pre-ordered one of each.
There won't be any modeling today as the sun is finally shining and there have been mutterings from the lady of the house about the garden. I've always liked the overgrown weed look myself, but apparently I don't get a say in the matter.
the only thing which shocked me more than the earth quake itself was the early news that people were looting ! wtf ? it's CHCH it's not downtown Los Angeles (or the upper 3rd of the NI)...
...hope everyone is save down there.
steve w.
'hurrsess' - very fast species of the Equidae family
Dont panic Steve, it was only alcohol (according to what I've heard...)
It has made for an interesting weekend, thank you all for your thoughts and wishes. On a personal note, this may curtail some/all of my competition plans. Not only do I now have to excavate a near new drain from beneath a silt eruption (along with a fair chunk of the garden and lawn), I am not entirely sure if there is even an office left to go to once work resumes!
You may notice that the building that lost its front (that all the TV news have been broadcasting from) was 186 Manchester St; the original location of Ironhorse Hobbies for many years.
I was amazed to see on the news last night, images of the area where I stayed during the NZAMRC Convention in April. Really brought it home, recognising some of the lovely old buildings that I had admired, now completely wrecked.
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