I work for KiwiRail (I used to work for ONTRACK, but lets not go there, that wound is still too raw). As of 3 weeks ago, I now have a new desk on the 3rd floor of the railway station....in with the Engineers. Weird people Engineers, especially railway ones (which, lets face it, is a bit of a sheltered workshop). Once when ringing up Hutt Workshops to arrange a photo sortie for Magikan on the damaged DQ that was languishing in the paddock, my contact there answered the phone with "Good Afternoon, KiwiRail DQ Photo Department?"
But I digress.
My desk has many fine attributes, such as having nice view over to Oriental Bay and Mt Victoria, being close to Train Control to inquire on how the crossword is going and what on earth is 12 down, and within sneezing distance of the microfiche archives......hence the embarrassment.
This morning, I suddenly thought "There is a drawer in there for private siding plans...What if I look up Dominion Salt Co...."

Why on earth I didnt go looking for this months ago when I first drew up the plans, I'll never know. However, its now in Nelson at the Track Making Factory of Druff and Co. I await the results with undisguised excitement....Huzzah....
hmm so how often do can you delve into the microfiles, as I'm puzzled about a 1953 New Zealand Forest Products siding at a place called Pinedale in Waikato
Next time you are near the drawer can you have a flick and see if they have a drawing on file of a "Smellies siding" which was just a few clicks west of "The Sutherlands" on the Fairlie Branch line - it went into a small limeworks.
It would be greatly appreciated if at a later time you could see if a drawing of the Woodville rail yards circa 1960 is contained within....
Hmmm methinks you have unwittingly quadrupled (can't think of a bigger denominator at present!) your work load Am Fet!!!! Good luck!!!!
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