'Look apon my works and dispair, ye modelers of inferior scales!' |
(more photos here)
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'Thank you for purchasing your DCC system, we hope you will spend many happy hours trying to understand the instructions...' |
(more photos here)
The Next show on the list is the Wairarapa show on the weekedn of the 10/11 of August At teh Masterton town hall. Marks model works and assorted hangers on will be there. No NZ 120 layout planned to be there unless my modeling mojo seriously fires itself up in the next 2 weeks.
And in other 1:1 scale news, The Standard Railcar made the trip from Pahiatua to Napier and back.
On my list of things to be built.
thankyou Herr Druff for your comments.I feel the photo of myself should read " great,i am sure no one has noticed that i brought the TV remote instead of the DCC controller"
Deciding which train to run-priceless! My modern cab DG was the only DCC train on the layout. Russ had both main lines with separate bus wires and no rail connection between them, so we could run DCC and DC alongside each other.
We have obviously missed a great opportunity for a photo caption competition.
I have a video to upload on you tube shortly. I feel it would be a great opportunity to have a guess the voice in the background competition!
Priceless caption for Peters picture!
As an extention on Bekaboys, I'll go with 'Russel, this is the TV remote...',
Or, 'Hmmm, no trains running, but the Hall doors keep opening and closing...'
Ha, for bekaboys, "what does replace user and press retry mean?" :P
LOL! I think Peter got a zap from the Dalek as it moved past his table.(see start of my Dalek video on you tube)
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