The other night Fetler D'amatuer dropped off the
mk1 4 wheeled underframe etchs. Naturally I had to have a crack at them with a soldering iron.
First up, as it comes....
While there are no instructions its all pretty straightforward. here we see it 1/2 way through. I've used Carrs solder paste which really makes things easy.

After a few more poor photos of various assembly stages, here is the final article with its predecessors. On the left is a Trackgang 10' underframe (modified slightly) and on the right is the good old Peco underframe. Total assembly time was about 45 minutes.

I've got a few suggestions that will be thrashed out (figuratively of course) this weekend.
However I'm still extremely happy with it
hmm yes make some time Sunday for some trashing over the Mk2 version in 14mm and 12.25mm axle lengths
Setup the laptop, Herr Druff, I'll skype in from Timaru for Cabbages demonstration!
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