Well, here we are...somehow. I think my current feelings as we turn the yearly corner are best summed up on stuff.co.nz by Moata (The uber-cool blog writer) when she wrote "It may be ungenerous of me but as the year draws to a close, I can't help thinking "don't let the door hit your arse on the way out, 2011". Truly this is a year that I will not miss."
Sure, she'd just lived through the year of hell that all Christchurch residents have survived, but her sentiments resonate with me in a big way. My year can be summed up as "Worked too much, Fire, Didnt work at all....Damn".
In the end, I spent 11 weeks off work and probably went back too early to boot. I'm in weekly physio and bandage changes to break the monotony as well as wearing a compression glove 24/7 for scar management. Oh, and I've been nicknamed "The Claw" or "Crispy" at work, and you just know thats gotta stick.
So as you can image, those 11 weeks gave me a lot of time to think and plan/dream, and as we turn the corner it seems a perfect time to start turning the plans into reality....call them resolutions if you will. The fun bit will be looking back in 12 months and laughing uproariously at this list when I've achieved none of it.
The first ones are reasonably generic: Work less, exercise more, look at starting my own business (seriously this time), learn more about coffee (?) etc...

So what about goals tied in with this blog? Well....Waihao Forks will be delivered from Schloss Dandruff at some stage and will need to be finished with structures and scenery (Goods shed, station, backdrops, etc), so thats goal number 1. Then, I'll need some stock to run on it (such as a Wf and a plethora of 1940's wagons, all to finescale standards), so that will be goal number 2. Then there will be doing whatever Herr Dandruff requires for Paekakariki (such as the turntable).....and that might just be enough to keep me occupied.
First goal however, is to get this puppy sorted:

Dual boot Win7/OSX Snow Leopard (sure, it isnt the latest, but the name is way cooler than "Lion") running CAD, CorelDraw, Rhino3d and Office 2010 making it a Laser Cutting/RP power house....just the thing to start the new business with.
Oh, and another resolution: More Blog Posts!!
I Like "THE CLAW". makes you sound like an evil genius. do u have a white pussy!
that box thingy looks like a GAY backpack.HaHa!
all it needs is the straps tied on and u would have a portable unit for setting up yr mobile home based business. arrive at a bloggers man-sion and be ready to go to work on whatever project is required. THE CLAW-CAD CONSULTANT- Extraordinaire. excuse my slurs. the weather is to blame. hopefully your hand will have a speedy recovery in 2012. i was going to say, get some fresh air and sunlight on it, but thats a bit of a joke at present.
Definitely an evil genius but we'll have to keep you on track with your goals
Here at Mark's Model Works I have been setting a few goals myself getting some thing done on the Roger's is the top job
Like to have it running for the convention which is only 12 weeks away
Have made more progress in the last week than I did all of last year just have to keep it going
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