The early-prototype ZG CAD from Marks Model Works is designed to be cut in 1mm (.040 inch) styrene. This is thick stuff and it doesn't laser easily, requiring a fair few bleams of power. I got mine back with one and a half attempts on the one plastic sheet... neither perfect with lots of scorching and melted sections and some parts printed over the top of other ones.

Rating: Very, very impressive and well thought out. But not a walk in the park. Well, not the way I went about it...

I've made a couple of suggestions to Mark re the underframe, bogie and coupler mountings, and these may make it to any future editions.
On top of the general messyness of the lasering work, the laser guys had also forgotten to do the 'partial cut' raster layer, and this has the fold lines for the doors. Bummer, as the doors are quite important on ZG models. I used bits of the supplied stuff and some plasticard strips to build the doors up and think they turned out ok, albeit not as straight and flat as they would have had I used the parts as included...

Because of the amount of plastic that goes into the model, the thing is actually weighted quite well for NZ120. I added a couple of shotgun pellets between the main beams for a little additional weight just in case. Bogies are MT (they could be anything as they are almost completely hidden) and I whipped up some decals following the recipe supplied in a great Oct 99 Model Railway Journal article (incl NZ120 plans!). Although I'm guessing Tranz Rail, or whoever they were then, put a bit more slope on the 'R' than the standard Garamond Italic provides.
There is a nice side-on colour pic on page 61 of the March 98 Railfan. ZGs suit most layouts from 1993 onwards although I've never seen one on the West Coast - but that doesn't mean they haven't been there - maybe one of or more well informed readers can answer that one. They seem to use plenty of ZHs on the coast (the smaller ones built on ZA underframes and with blue ends rather than these which were built on UKs and have green ends).

very nice DB.
I recall seeing one brand new, and thinking what the heck is that! it was real space age!
Now unfortunately theyre all workstained!
Kit looks good, as i mentioned to Amy Fet, just like building an Airfix kit?!
when are the ZH and ZG available for sale/download
As the IP (Intellectual Property) for those 2 wagons rests with Cabbage, it is really his call. I will speak to him about it and see what his plans are. I am hoping that he will agree to make them free to download in a similar fashion to my IA.
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