so here we have what we should all aspire to. A spotless well organized bench from where our ideas can become real and take flight. Yeah right.
Also today, I've got the second layer of paint on the railcar. In retrospect it doesn't seem to have changed the shade as much as I thought it would, and looks just a wee bit bright. Never fear my friends, that will change with step 3, or maybe step 4.
I don't remember any thumb prints on the roof. Is this a new coding system ?
Nice railcar.
What is the flag in the background? I'm trying to work out if you are a freemason or communist . . . ;-)
Ben bscaro@yahoo.com
the fingerprint is a cunning new hidden identification tag I'm trying out. To determine if its your railcar you just remove the 4 layers of paint from the roof and...Hmm, maybe it does need a rethink. Wonder if I put it on the inside...
(seriously, to paint this thing while holding it, the red paint tends to get everywhere)
Also, the flag is the old GDR one from before 1989, and its from a previous life wargaming. The less said the better.
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