The lady of the house and I took advantage of the long weekend to head to Napier for a break (the first we have managed to get in quite some time). We spent a couple of fun days wine and food tasting and driving round looking fro things. all good fun. On the way home I decided that it was time to take a look at Ormondville station. This is a preserved station area, with pretty much everything still in place. The station itself has been converted to a B&B, and its just across the road from the pub as well. What more could you want.....
Just like it would have been in the 60's.
Or maybe the 1900's

One thing that stood out was the number of workers huts on site. These ones on the platform are extra accommodation. There were another 4-5 in various states of restoration on site.

There was also a boiler of some sort missing its smoke box. I'll have to do some research to see where it comes from.

I had to have a second look at this. The main line at the right heads off down hill, while the back shunt is on the flat. There may have been some industry use here (wood loading?) but no idea what it would be.
As for finding Ormondville, it is signposted from the main road, but the easiest way is to go via lower Norsewood.
At the southern end of the yard, the main climbs out and the backshunt curves around on the level
I understood both back shunts (north and south ends of yard) were needed for serious shunting. The main line to the north is a steep downgrade; the line to the south is a steep upgrade. In a busy year, the average number of wagons dropped off per day was 35! The same number required picking up. And that was only the average. This is all much easier if the engine is working with the rakes of wagons on the flat - hence the serious backshunts.
Any ideas on what was shipped out (and in I guess)?
35 wagons a day is more than paekakariki would have seen (unloaded).
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