Over the last week or so theres been a bit of E-mail to-ing and fro-ing. The end result is the following.
Having rattled on a bit about building smaller layouts it was time to front up and start one.
(the boxfile layout not withstanding. I'm not happy with it which might be why its died a bit of a death at the moment).
Waihao Forks is a station which we have talked a fair bit about. It has a few things to recommend it. It's on a curve, is quite short and also has the added interest of a scissors crossover in the yard.
''The pubs not too bad either'I spent a day at the weekend sorting out the track alignment to my satisfaction. Drawing things out full size beats buggering round on a computer any day.

The tools of the trade. The curve radii are 600 and 750. Easy enough to make on a computer drawing package, then attach to a bit of card and cut out. These were done the old fashioned way using a tramel. Sellotape is used to stick the paper down to the floor (its big and flat, and we don't have a table)

Here is the final plan, with the paper cut to the shape of the layout. It seems to pass the daft 'track shouldn't line up with the front edge of the layout'.

While Mark was pottering away the other night, I got stuck into the hard job of sorting the sleepers out.

Marking, cutting and placing all of these took 90 minutes. I didn't run out of anything (just)which surprised me. This is where things will sit for a while as I'm completely out of code 40 rail. Hopefully I'll have supplies by Railex so will be able to show people how daft I am by making track 'al fresco'.
Looks like the ideal project. Similar to the 2mm pommie ideas!
Yup, I've finally gotten my butt into gear and built myself a 1100x500 (which I might make take down to 350 in width, once I suss my trackplan) base board with the intention of starting my first NZ120 micro layout. Have to have a go at hand laying the track I reakon, as the traackplan I have in mind only requires 2 turnouts.
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