Well, another session in the Man-
sion tonight. This consisted of lifting all the track on the north end module to put in the point throws. These things would have been easier if I had thought of them beforehand, which is a statement I tend to make
allot. I have wondered at times if the whole project
would be easier if I had some help. Thinking about it tonight, I've decided that for the most part I'm a bit of a lone wolf when it comes to the day to day building stuff on the layout. I don't tend to be particularly organised, so I just pick up jobs when I feel like it, or if it has to be done before the next step. Hence
tonight's taking up track so that I can fix track more
permanently in this area. I also have to do something about this area in particular as I can't finish things up till its done.

This is one place where I've
subcontracted out the work, and with luck the first iteration may be here at the weekend. After this is in and working (the most important bit) I can then sort out the positions for the rest of the track around it.
Things might change once its time to do the scenic work, but for the most part I'm happier doing the
track and electrics on my own. Its easier to spot and fix mistakes on my own.
The otehr issue is that if I had guests I would have to clean up and locate all the tools, rather than spending the obligatory 5 minutes looking for then every time I need a new one.
You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round, round, round
Gasp! Darryls gone retro!
Unfortunately its a bit off the mark as it doesn't need to spin right round. spining 1/2 way round and back again will make lining the tracks up easier.
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