I noticed my last post on the blog was dated Sunday the 18th. Interesting, as the next evening my world got....even more interesting.
A cooking oil fire and a reactionary action to save the house earned me a ride in an ambulance, a close look at the emergency department at Hutt hospital, 4 days of interesting food combinations and boredom followed by a look at an operating theatre....end result is a right hand that Vincent Price would be proud of and a seriously sore right thigh from where the (large) skin graft came from.

(Apologies for the blurry photo, its off the phone cam)
Things I learned in hospital:
- All visitors are to be cherished (thanks to Herr and Lady Druff for making the drive down...It means more than they'll ever know).
- A smartphone is mandatory! With sms, outlook and hotmail in the palm of my hand I was in constant touch with friends and family.
- All emergency and hospital staff (fire, ambulance, nurses, doctors) are SAINTS!
Anyway, I'm now at home in recuperation mode....I don't now when I'll be able to pick up any tools again as rehabilitation looks a bit of a long road and depends on my ability to regain a strong pincer grip again. Computer work is being done, but its a bit tiring with just the left hand.
Despite all this, I'm very upbeat....I am VERY lucky it wasnt worse, plus I get to gross everyone out with pictures taken during dressing changes. Oh, and the painkillers are great.
And who would have thought my graft was being held on by SuperGlue while it took! Now THAT was an interesting conversation with the nurse (while she picked most of it off with tweezers)....
Hmmm. Not a recommended (re) modelling job.
All the best with the road to recovery.
so its a bit worse than the burns from my soldering station then!
seriously though, you are damn lucky and why don't you use wax strips like everyone else to remove excess body hair. are you learning to be lefthanded to perform certain duties in the little mans room?say no more.
SHOSOFS- trying to explain photos on a slideshow when you have had one too many beers
sorry to hear about that type of excitement - always interesting when you look back to the cycle of events that lead up to it... FYI superglue was used in the vietnam war for quickie medi fixes in the field
sorry to hear that, I wish you a fast recovery with not all too much pain...
steve w.
I'm told to increase your brain power you use your "other" hand (my left) If thats true then by the time I'm right I should have an IQ of a Bazillion....
Beaka, I've had the wax job on the thigh thanks to a high riding dressing and a nurse with no mercy...
so, very close to a brazillion in appearance as well as IQ. it's interesting that i went to the hamilton model railway exhibition on sat to support our tauranga club and i was behind a fire service ute most of the way, with large print on the rear window-"don't drink and fry"- or words to that effect. unfortunately alot of people with your injuries fit that category and you tend to get tagged with it as well. hence maybe the reason for the rough nurse. all the best with your recovery and don't pick your scabs!
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