In complete contrast to some of the other cutting edge techniques and ideas that have graced the pages of this blog, I'm making a great leap backwards. While I could throw a heap of money at the problem (the tortoise) or gamble on unproven technology (memory wire or servos) I've gone back to something that we used in Otago all those many years ago.
Yes, I'm talking about piano wire in a tube.
OK, so its low tech, but it does work. It also has the plus that it is exceedingly cheap. The curtain wire was purchased in spotlight.
I'd like to buy some curtain wire"
"How much would you like?"
"How much is it?"
" A dollar a metre"
"Oh, make it 2 metres then".
I cut some groves into the track base and laid the tube in. flexing the tube means that you can get all the point throws into one place on the module.
There are 2 options for placing the tube; above or below the trackbed. I've gone with above. The pros for this are that there is less flex possible in the actuating wire. The right angle bend is only 2-3mm below the point throwbar. If it was under the plywood trackbase it would be 10mm. This could lead to the point not throwing completely due to flexing and friction.
The other end of the wire ends with a microswitch (SP/DPDT) to switch the polarity to the frog. All very simple and quite cheap as well.
Did you need to do any baseboard cutting under the point? Did you do that before or after laying the track? All looking very impressive.
looking good! can you show how you wire up slide switch and maybe a photo of switch installed. i presume you use the lever on switch to operate point?
HAIJOIN-verry nice! only have ze dial up in Khazichstan
I cut the holes assuming that I would be dong some monkeying from underneath, then changed my mind. The holes will now act as a convenient way to run ballasting glue onto the floor.
And yes, there will be pictures of the control end, when I get a chance to get to Dick Smiths.
You are better off going to Jaycar, I don't know why DSE still have Electronics in their name, because they stock bugger all and are not interested.
I went to 4 different DSE's this week trying to find red wire, black wire, slide switches and solder. Nothing that should have been to obscure or so I thought...
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