Just to provide some perspective, the wheels are 7.5mm diameter, the crankpins at the lower left are 0.5mm diameter and the tiny washers are 1mm in diameter.
the wheels in closeup with a crankpin inserted into the hole. The method employed by the 2mm guys is to make sure the rods work, then solder a holder on the outside and cut the excess material off the crankpin.
I must admit to be very daunted by the incredible miniature engineering on display. On the other hand its very insiping to look at which is the largest hurdle on any project.
I've also recieved some more rail in the mail so it will be soldering irons to melt in the not too distant future and hopefully get the final module done.
Wow. That is impressive. Are those wheels made as a single casting or actually tread + rim as the photos suggest?
Brass inners plus a stainless steel rim. they are 12 spoke vs 10 spoke (which is better than I had expected).
I'm going to add counterweights which will make them look much better.
They look like they are provided with stub axles???
Yes, 1.5mm. they fit into the axle muffs at the top left.
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