Monday, May 09, 2011

The end of the beginning?

Yesterday afternoon at about 5 PM I hit somewhat of a milestone. I now have 12' of mainline laid and with minimal work I should be able to run a loco from one end to the other.

This was also a bit of an experiment as I finally got to use the Woods track roller gauge in its intended environment, and it was a joy to use. There's just a couple of alterations I would suggest making to it which are all pretty minor.

Oh, and based on my latest order I've revised the cost of hand laying track down to about $6 a meter (give or take a bit).


Kiwibonds said...

That looks very professional. I think I'm going to disown you.

Motorised Dandruff said...

Which bit? The rubbish on the floor? I'm good at that bit...

Am_Fet said...

Marks have been deducted for having a baseboard edge that isnt straight...also for not using second hand timber or a staple gun.

woodsworks said...

I can do a better job of any further roller gauges now, for having bought some equipment for machining the lathe tools more accurately on my milling machine - the first attempt was done by hand on a bench grinder, and I am still amazed that it actually worked.