Now look what Rhys has made me do.
So it doesn’t look like my plans for a new tri-level Tehachapi layout will fit in my recently acquired Limited Edition trainroom, so to prevent myself going crazy I foolishly started building an NZ120 layout last night. While cleaning out a box in said room the previous night, one of those fuddy-duddy English Model Railway Journals leapt out at me (it belongs to Evan B and he may reclaim it at any time featuring an impressive layout called Amberley - thirty years in the making - that had me thinking about building a layout properly for once.
So here’s the vague plan… in both plan and cross sectional views:
The real Sawyers bay:

I’ll keep you informed as to progress…
I like the integral lighting rig....I think it will really make a difference when viewing your models. Not too sure though about you throwing away over 20 years of BABER tradition and building the benchwork from (gulp) wood...
Do you need a viaduct plan from ONTRACK? Or are you just going to bodge it? Also, I cant remember the MRJ you got the inspiration from...can you scan the cover for me?
Todays word is "Scrophin"...any takers?
Scrophin (Anat.) Part of the male Dolphin's reproductive system.
I'm stumped by "rencen"
Wood better than cardboard cutout confuious say!
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