Well, messy progress. Now I know that it is possible to make a hot wire cutter to cut polystyrene (and yes, I know it gives off toxic gas when heated), I don't have one. I do have a wood saw.....
(And you don't want to see the floor at all). Its slow progress as I have to glue the bits of polystyrene together and wait a aday to cut them. Plus I have discovered that no more nails is abit more solventy than I had thought (though the smell should have given it away).
So, with just the hills to go, things are coming together in that the layout looks like I've been working on it for over 2 years.

It was at this point that I suddenly thought 'I can't remember ever taking pictures from the other side of the layout'. So, without further ado, I climbed behind the layout and took another historical comparison shot.

Compared with this...
Use a polyurethane wood working glue like Gorilla Glue which sets nice and quick, and use toothpicks / skewers to "nail" together your layers while waiting for the glue to dry.
For finer contouring of the hills, you can use a yellow Stanley surform which will rasp away the angles and give nice flowing hillsides.
Buy a bag of Sculptamold (like plumpy plaster of paris) or use premixed stopping compound for quickly covering the hills. Sculptamold has the benefit that it can be left rough for quite passable cuttings, rock faces, etc.
To make a poly melter/cutter, use a car battery charger, thick fuse wire. Cut a table tennis paddle into a Y and put the fuse wire across linking the + and - to each end of the fuse wire use at 6V charge. Cut away! I suspect you already knew this..but just incase!
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