I think I am now Madder than a small Welsh Village...
The prototype Ug Horsebox has been put together during my lunch hour and hasnt turned out too bad. There were a few fit issues, but if someone (i.e MD) puts it together with due care and attention (and sandpaper) that shouldnt be an issue.

Hardest part was obviously the strapping in my favourite 0.25mm Mylar. It wants to deform all over the show, so in between stripping off the backing paper and gluing it in place it has lots of opportunities to go off on its own sweet way. And looking at the photo I see I havent got it on very straight....might need magnification next time.
I'm now off to uncross my eyes.
We'll just have to make an etched overlay instead with all the rivets and nutter detail needed
Maybe even used the scale hardware 0.5mm rivet to hold the etch in place at the ends
Okay, you win....
Wow so far! If you are having trouble with the Mylar, I can sympathise. My experiences with thin (0.2mm) polyester on the J5 in OO (http://nzr.lolshame.com/J5.html) showed there appeared to be a minimum width at which it could hold a stable, clean-cut shape.
My laser man said it could be tricky and from test cuts, if too narrow, the affects of burn from the laser kerf make it warpy and brittle across most of its width. For us it seemed around 0.6 to 0.8mm was minimum on 0.2mm material. Don't know if this can be helped by the skills of your laser man e.g. how low-power can the cutter go for such fine work on such thin material? Or is there another suitable material? SteveF
Looks good though AM. No brush painting though!!!!
esterent csued ???? id that the stripper MD was looking for???
I'll leave the painting for MD!!
Steve, I know my man in Havana was having troubles with the mylar but finally nailed it using a method called "contouring"....I will get him to explain and I will pass the info back to you.
I have an H on my list. When I get to it will be happy to pass-it-forward :-) SteveF
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