Armless Fet writes:
So, more non-modelling speak from the armless one. Things are definitely getting better in the rehab stakes, but I'm having enough trouble holding pens at the moment to even think of tools yet, which is a bit aggravating. Still, I'm well known and dis-respected as an Armchair Modeller, so I shall revert back to what I know best....
I dont know if I've mentioned it here before, but another favourite scene on the line to Whareroa is Bridge 41 to the north of Patea. Nothing overly special, but neat still the same.

I was thinking that it would be easy to model using some cheap proprietry kit from Atlas or someone else, but everything I looked at didnt quite give the same effect, mainly due to the construction of the girders.

(About now someone in the peanut gallery will pipe up with "Oh, its a Pratt-Mclaren Through overhead reversal truss bridge with titanium linking pins"....well done to those in the know, I honestly have no idea)
So disatisfied, the project was shunted into the dark recesses of my mind while I filled in my days with learning to be left handed...
This evening I was looking through some of Joe Fugates "Model Railroad Hobbyist" PDF's....I seem to keep downloading them, although I'm not sure why...the miss to hit ratio at the moment is horrendously unbalanced. Anyway, an article caught my eye featuring a Central Valley Model Works kit of a through truss bridge in HO scale. Now this looked just the ticket! I wonder if they do it in N?

Sure, it is slightly short, but at 30 odd US Smackers its not bad at all. I did wonder if our 1:120 trains would be too big for it, but then decided that there is little difference between Yank 1:160 stock and our scale when placed side by side, so all should be well.

And as an added bonus, some of those highly questionable Lc castings that have been hoarded since the 90's might finally get a use as well...

Now, back to physio and those strength exercises....
My that looks like a 117 foot steel through truss to me.
I think I may know someone who could make you one.
Was planning to do it in 3/16th after the 9mm version but I guess this is just the other 9mm scale
Not sure if it could be made after being shot down to 0.15mm brass
guess one should pull finger and shot the dub's down first and see what happens
The druff has asked for this already as the next distraction from finishing Paikakariki
No good asking AM Fet to pull finger :-)
Bad jokes aside, that is a very nice bridge, one I'd be keen to build at some stage
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