Well, finally the planets fell into alignment this week, and by some miracle I had some time/wasnt tired/actually felt enthused for a change/all of the above....so I finally sat down and worked on a wagon I had been promising myself for ages, the UGA bogie Horsebox.
The plan is for the major structural part of the wagon (including the headstocks and solebars) to be cut from 0.8mm ply. The final side layer will then get added on from rastered 0.4mm ply with the strapping added in 0.25mm Mylar (just like the J5).

With any luck I will get to pick it up today and then have the weekend to play with it. Herr Druff is after a white "Vegetable Traffic" version for Paekak, whereas an all red one wont look out of place on "The Forks". Round it off with some 2mm society bogies and it should look quite fetching. The finishing touch might be some brass etched dog-box doors and handrails, but I'm not getting carried away yet. Maybe for Easter??
As an aside, MD has asked me about whether I'm allowed to publish the drawing here. I'm pretty sure Cedric Green worked as a draughtsman for the NZR when he did them (for whom I now work), but 'm just trying to find out who is the proper "owner" of his drawings. In the meantime, I'll leave it here but will remove it at the first hint of legal action.
Looks finger clickin good.
Mr Laser was called away Friday for a family emergency....so no lasered goodness for the weekend.
As an aside to make sure you were all awake at home, the drawing is of course for a UG horsebox....its not until the doors are altered or boarded up for vege traffic that it becomes a UGA.
Nice job! It'll be an amazing piece if it turns out even a smidgen like the J5. And great to see you back "at work" btw. The drawing reminded of a wagon found in recent Interweb trawling. Signage and drop-door layout indicate an Ra but if that's the case it has been somewhat modified for, like the UGA, vegie traffic? Check out http://find.natlib.govt.nz and search for railway accident porirua. SteveF
Hi Steve, So you'd be keen on the drawings once they are "proven" to make one in OO?
Yep. Another stunner in the making. Just can't resist! SteveF
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