Wow, 100 hundred blog posts. It just seems like 6 months ago that I wrote my first post (oh, wait a minute, it was).
To mark this bloody great big occasion, Hows about a contest. Design an Nz120 layout based on the very rough suggestions for a module standard ( based on 200 by 300 or 300 by 400 modules). provide a rational, and if possible some sketches. a photo or two of the location, or what you visualise your layout would look like. Spelling will not be marked.
There's even prizes! at the moment theres some Da etched Da number plates that I have for phase 2 and phase 3 Da's. there might also be some wagon tops and a real track plan or 2 depending on whether we can organise a 'mission impossible' raid on the Ontrack archives.
Cut off time for this competition is midnight next Friday night. Email to the address at the bottom of the page. I'll then post them and we can have a vote to see which one is the most popular.
Get those crayons out now chaps.