Well, thought I would get started on the Clyde Da this weekend. As I had done the correct-ish bogie sideframes for 1410, it was natural that i should do the same thing for the phase II Da. I firstly took any finescale modeling book I had and tossed them safely out of the way in the cupboard. Then 4 bits of 3mm brass 1/2mm brass bar of approximately the right length were sweated together. The sides were marked out with reference to photo's and the SD7 frames that they would be sitting on the outside of. I had done a rough sketch of the general outline of the sideframes, and also the bits that were important to get the correct look. after the filing was done I had 4 sideframes that looked about right ( and completely by accident were symmetrical as well).
The brake cylinders were larger than the phase I and so 2 different diameters of brass pipe were soldered together ( one inside the other). The ends were rounded and then a piece of 2/1mm brass wire was soldered through the middle.

The phase II bogies had 2 damping springs on each bogie, which connected behind the brake cylinder. this was bent up with the aid of pliers ( which were good enough for the width: working from an exact plan is not all its cracked up to be) and soldered into position.
the Sd-7 bogies were modified by removing the brake cylinders, and also the brake linkages to the center wheel for each bogie. the sideframes were epoxied into place, removing plastic where necessary for a correct fit.
The brake linkages were made up from microstrip and copper wire and soldered into position, and epoxied to the plastic. I'm not going to comment on this bit, but they would not allow some of the language on TV before 8:30 PM. eventually this was complete to my satisfaction ie I just stood further away.

The police line up. Left is the SD-7 bogie with the brake cylinders removed. The middle is the previously shown phase I bogie, and on the right is the newly minted phase II bogie. I'm now going to cheat and use plastic for the sandboxes, as I don't have any brass of the right size....
So everything is now waiting on the footplate thats in the mail.
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