Sunday, September 04, 2011

Trackmaking XXXV; Is that it?

Yesterday afternoon I sat down, added the tie bars and completed gaping the PCB sleepers. I then placed the points in place on the 3rd modules to see what they looked like.

Looking at the module I decided something was still missing. The space for the turntable will stay for a while, but the tracks through the loco shed are quite glaring in their absence. A quick 25 minutes with the tools and the problem was solved.

Apart from the turntable and some short pieces at the end of sidings, that's actually about it track wise. Not sure I'll be able to go cold turkey from it, so I may have to do some other small projects to wean myself off.

So, what does the layout look like at the moment. Here is the picture from the north end looking down the length of the station.

And looking from the south end.

'Yes, I have been playing trains'


beaka said...

looking real nice MD. very impressive. i wonder if the tobacco patches might help you to wean off trackmaking.

LOBITY- part of the layout where you always hit your head

Anonymous said...

Rock on! I can't understand how you can stop playing trains on it - looks a whole lotta fun