The target is the 'Round the block' excursion featuring Da1431 and a rake of 56' red carriages. right, I know the times and the locations, how hard could it be.
There is a stop at Pahiatua from 1:15 to 1:45. Excellent I think, I can visit the railcar group again and everything will be open (previous visit can be found here).
What I didn't figure on is the shopping trip that I participate in beforehand. This sees me setting out from Palmy at 1:20 over the Pahiatua track. I'm sure I'll get there in time. by 1:40 I'm still 10 km away and faced by a choice of turning off towards Woodville. No, I'll be fine I think, its bound to be running late.
1:50 sees me at Pahiatua, where I'm greeted by an empty yard, and people cleaning up. Bugger. When did they start running excursions on time then?
However, the huge plus is that I have a preservation site full of all sorts of goodies, and I'm the only one here .....
so, first up and a personal favorite of mine, the Tin hare RM-5 Mahuhu.
Also in the shed was one end of the twinset railcar, RM 121. This is coming along slowly.
The 3rd railcar on site is RM31 Tokomaru which is a 'runner'. When I arrived it was parked up by the shed.
'Don't worry mate, give me a minute and I'll move it for you. Where would you like me to stop it for you?'. Well, they were going to put it away, but still it was nice

Finally I arrive at the Railway station at 3:15 to be greeted with....
So, 100 odd km later and no shots of the train. However by no means a waste of a day.
(Thanks very much to the Pahiatua group for allowing me to wander round. Always remember to leave a donation when you are having a look round and photographing items. If it was not for groups like this we would not have the items to look at in the first place)