DB waffles forth:
Interesting trivioids about ZZ Top that emerged yesterday: they formed in 1969 (which, if you aren't keeping count, was a long time ago) and there have always been the three of them, two have the trademark long beards, the third is ironically named Frank Beard.
That, of course, has nothing to do with the topic for today but it should push this post past the minimum length mandated by Herr Druffnstuff.
In our last exciting edition of the
ZH saga, I might have inferred that while the laser cut ones build up to a nice model with a little fettling and repairing, I wondered if it might be faster to build one up as a master and then try casting them. I acquired about 6 of these ZHs so if I end up with 6 by casting 5 of them I won't feel too bad about copying The Fettler's intellectual property, especially with his full knowledge.
The body of the ZH should present no problems, but the ends are pretty finely detailed and I have a nagging fear that casting them may not work out too well, but we shall see, dear listener. So lets attempt those ends first, as without them there's no point in continuing...

So here we are with an end master made up from the laser etched bits plus a few pieces to replace any melty bits and a few other adornments, including a base to give the whole thing some strength and thickness. As you can see, the main body skeleton (appropriate for Halloween when I took the pic, no?) is coming along as well. Tonight I hope to get some time to pour in some rubber, and then with some freshly arrived resin, we'll soon see if this is a feasible approach to making ZHs.