Thursday, March 06, 2025

Elmer Lane 20 - Misc buildings

 DB builds onwards:

Today I a added quick and dirty (not an ideal descriptor for a loo?) toilet/bike shed (for when you are really in a rush) and one of the buildings to the south of the foreman's office. There were really two here, one being a clerical store, and one being the EFCA/Loco Engineer's Assn recreation room. Who knew. I've only got room for one anyway. 

These specimens were made the same way as the Loco Foreman's office, even using some offcuts painted for such an occasion. Of course I'd forgotten that the window cutouts, corners, roof edges and so forth would have to be touched up anyway. 

Still no downpipes, but the other expelair has been used, and there is a toilet vent pipe on the loo roof, and a potbelly stove chimney on the other one. 

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