Thursday, January 26, 2023

Almost there?

 When we last looked at the ship, I was stuck on how to make the cowled vents. Eventually I came across a simple way to make these on a ship modeling forum. 


The top piece of plastic tube sits on a slightly narrower piece of plastic tube. The back end of the top pipe is 1/2 filled with Tamiya plastic putty and when dry the cowl is shapped with a file. Its not overly spectacular but it works for me.

The center superstructure required larger diameter vents.

The list to "finish" the model is now down to; lifeboats and cranes, stairs /ladders and rigging.

1 comment:

0-4-4-0T said...

I understand the cowlings could be rotated by hand so their opening faced into the wind, regardless of which side of the ship the wind was coming from. That way the air circulated down into the ship by natural windflow instead of needing to be pumped. (I always found that interesting.)