Monday, November 11, 2013

Moving on

Its the last night here at Schloss Dandruff. Everything has disappeared into boxes or a bin.

Packing is one of those interesting times where it should be a chance for a clean slate. Every item can be assessed for its future utility and an informed decision made on its future utility.

OK so I'm not fooling anyone. Everything gets kept apart from bits of scrap wood, and even those are only thrown out after some soul searching.

(I tried to find a picture to convey the mess having neglected to take one during the packing process. nothing came close to the horror....)


Cath said...

Good luck with the move. Enjoy your new place.

Southern Rails said...

Oops. Wife was still logged on!

Motorised Dandruff said...

Well, we are into the new place, but now get to play the 'wheres ...
' game. I've finally managed to find the internet router.

The lady of the house has been surprised to find out my plans for my room.

0-4-4-0T said...

Provided she endorses your plans and allows you to fund them I see no problem in her learning of them - as long as they are NZ120.