After a bit of thinking I decided that the coaling siding needed to be realigned so that I could fit a compressed air coaling crane on a parallel track. The existing track was removed and a short piece of commercial flex track was substituted. I also shortened the diesel tanks and the coal yard a bit to fit the (what I assume is the) pump shed in. There is now space for a 25 by 50mm building (10' by 20') which is a bit on the small side but should do the job visually.
'Before' |
'After' |
I've compressed the whole area (the coaling area should be 3 times the length that it is) so its now a matter of making do with the space that I have. Another 30 cm would have been good (there's not quite enough space to move locos round in the depot area without fouling the passing loop on the hill side), but that would have meant space compromises elsewhere on the layout. At the end of the day It will work OK.
I'm just starting to like this area a bit more now. I sat for about 10 minutes thinking about the various scenic elements which will fit in this area. One thing that did strike me was how large even the loco depot would be in S scale. it could possibly be forced to fit on a 12' by 3' board, but you would not get the rest of the station in. The platform alone would be 9' long.
That is one heck of a good lookin' scissors in the 'after' shot. SteveF
They seem sensible shortening decisions to me. Given that other parts of the yard, platforms, and perhaps other buildings need to be shortened, this scene you're working on needs to be shorter too or it will look wrong.
I'm still not sure how its going to pan out. There have been compromises with length and track plan all over. My main concern is that they don't become too cartoonish.
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