Friday, July 08, 2011

Friday night

Well its the end of the week again. As with any Friday at work, I've been doing a bit of absent minded thinking while writing my weekly summary and planning next weeks experiments (its always good when the boss turns up at my office door and I can give him my next weeks plan).

This weekend promises to be an interesting one as the lady of the house is working both days. Thus the scene is ripe for a prolonged session in the Man-sion. so I thought i would do some thinking about some of the projects that I could be doing.
-Another set of legs to support the 3rd module.
-Have another look at the Ew mech to see whats next.
-more track work.

OK so the last 2 would involve saw blades which I don't have. That sort of makes it easy then


Anonymous said...

Trade Tools in Tremaine Ave stock coping saw blades, so might be able to source fretsaw blades.


Anonymous said...

But then it appears that Farnell have what you want.....