Sunday, February 01, 2009

You are talking how much!?

My mind has been wandering again (it would be nice if it could settle on one thing for long enough to actually achieve something). Anyway, today's wander has involved an inspection of the 2mm association page, and a tally up of what it would cost to build a mech for a 4-8-4. We'll start with the driving wheels. 4 sets of 11mm drivers at 6.25 each ( and remember this is the pound we are talking) comes to 25 quid. Now, we will want pickup on as many axles as possible (like all) so another 8 wheelsets at 2.15 each is 17.20. 4 pounds for the central muffs to hold then all together.
Now, for the guts. if all 4 main axles are driven there's less strain on the rods, and the 4 muffs are 1 pound each. Oh, and there needs to be 3 idler gears so thats another 3. Now, the gears are brass, and theres going to be 6 at 2 pounds each, plus a worm and gear set at 4 pounds. Bearings for the frames and bits to hold the frames apart are another 3 pounds. This all tallies up to....72 pounds. At today's exchange rate that's about $200, and that's before a motor, and actually raising a scriber in anger.
As an aside here I did wonder if North yard could be interested in making wheels locally. not much, just a 4'6" driving wheel (counterweights could be added as etches), and a 2'6" wagon wheel on a 13mm axle. There's not much else that would be needed. Actually, given the wide range of wheels that they do make, why hasn't this been done before? Is it because the Nz120 crowd have never really been that organised, or that we have all been modern image modelers, or that we don't live in Auckland and have the ear of Graham Selman. would it be possible to get lost wax brass wheels cast, machined and plated for less than this?
(If there's anyone who knows about getting something like this organised locally I'm all ears)

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