Well, blogging always starts with a hiss and a roar doesn't it.
So, just to show I'm not all talk, here's the first railway model I've built in quite a while. Its an etch cetera Da phase 1 (1400 to 1429). this is a neat wee kit made by Andrew Wells. in the box you get a brass etched sheet, several nice white metal castings for the horns, headlights and the front and rear hood ends, plus a sheet of decals. these include numbers for 1410, 1429 and 1421, plus 126, 230 and 322. you also get the side stripes, which are almost impossible to paint. I acquired this plus a chassis a while ago from my brother. I think he obtained them from Darryl Bond. Here's what the etch looks like.
So, now for the comments
-I assembled this kit with a 60W iron, and used 10% phosphoric acid as the flux. paint it on with an old brush, then just touch a lightly tined iron to the spots. a quick 'fzzst' and its done. this was the first time I've ever done any real soldering, and it was relatively painless.
-Right, what I did wrong. got the front and rear steps mixed up. this wasn't discovered until I went to put the handrails on at the end. I filled the holes, and just attached the handrails on the outside with solder. a delicate job, but it did work out. As I'm a male I didn't read the instructions that carefully. I should have annealed the cab roof where it is supposed to be bent, but didn't, and just succeeded in braking the etch at these spots. this lead to a tricky job soldering them back on later. Some of the instructions were not that clear either, but having a bit of previous knowledge with 1410 at steam inc I was able to nut it out.
One of the problems I did have was with 1 whitemetal block provided for the ends. at the front this left a large gap of about 1mm. I managed to fill this with solder and then filed it back to flush. Also, there are no handrails for the front and rear of the hoods. this struck me as a bit odd.
So, in summary, its a tricky wee model, only to be attempted by an experienced modeler. I still have yet to get the paint on, and add the couplers, but I do like it sitting on my workbench at the moment.
OKAY! I admit it!! I hadnt thought far enough ahead as to how a Db was going to go on an Atlas SD9 chassis, but I was think that from meory all of the Etchcetera Da's I had seen needed to have montrous mounting gubbins fixed inside the shell to get it to sit at the right, So the idea of mounting it lower for a Db didnt seem that difficult. For those who want to know, the Db was being built to fit in on a Waikato COal themed layout, set in 1966.
Ev. :-)
And my typing is as atrocious as your spelling....
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