Ever since deciding to forego the larger scale and an historical mindset for the joys of planning for Nz120 in the modern day, my enthusiasm levels have increased no end. I think it really is a case of a change being as good etc etc. When before the "Eureka!" moments were usually found hunched over books, photos or plans, I've grown to appreciate over the last few months the joy of the eureka moments being out in the real world.
The part of my "research" that is giving me the most pleasure is the locomotive research. For my planned MNPL layout (Thats Marton - New Plymouth Line for those following along at home), I have drawn up a list of locomotives I would eventually like to see populating the place:
DFB: 7348 (Green), 7241 (TR Blue)
DXB: 5074 (Green), 5108 (KR Phase II), 5137 (KR Phase I), 5120 (TR Blue), 5520 (Black), 5143 (KR Phase I)
DC: 4110 (TR Blue), 4191 (NZRC Blue), 4409 (FS) 4438 (Black)
This really strikes me as being a good representation of the many schemes currently populating our network.
The fun bit is trying to track down each loco in turn to capture it on film (or pixels). The thing is I reckon I've got only a short period of time (maybe 6 months to a year) to get some of these locos the way I want them before they disappear for repaints or rebuilds, so I've really got to act now.
And so to the saga this week. The Target: 7241. The little minx had been skittishly staying well away from my intentions in Palmy, and even when it did make an appearance in WGTN, it was promptly pushed straight back out the next day. Cue Monday, the morning commute into town....and there she was! Sitting in the paddock at the depot, looking quite relaxed. Will probably go north on 220, or maybe an overnight freight I mused.....But she was still there in the evening (so had missed 220), and so with baited breath I waited for the next morning....
Woohoo! Still there. With 7348 and 5074 to boot! Plus the camera was in the bag this time. At work I furiously updated Amicus every few minutes to try and confirm what would be on the front of 220 at 1100...please no, please no....Soddit, just go! A quick phone call to maintenance ("Can I please come and play with your trains?"), absconding with the company car and driving like a maniac down Thorndon Quay...Got to the office to sign in....and theres the sound of a turbo whine on the main departure road outside the window!! NNNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ITS GREEN! THE %#@%^&% DEPARTING LOCO IS GREEN!!! PHEW!!!!!!!!! I've never loved 7348 as much as I did at that moment...it means I will need to hunt her at a later date, but I can wait (I know how to wait...!). So with the boss in tow, its out to finally capture 7241 on film, as well as getting 5074 as we walk back in the drizzle.
Sigh....I dont think I can cope which much more of this...luckily the DC's have mostly been got, as well as the DXB's.
Right, so whos next? 4438....HAMILTON?? Oooo, come to me, my precious.....come to me....
If only we all had jobs where we could nick off and chase trains !
Or be close enough to wag off work to chase a train!
So the historical ideals have proved to big a hurdle?
Admittedly it was a slow day.....I dont even think the boss noticed i was gone. I just claimed it as an early lunch hour....
I think I did have enough data to model what I wanted in an historical sense, but it was really things like train makeup and how a yard was used/shunted. i could make something up for my 1950's South Canterbury branch line, but I'd never know if it was right or not.
If the Head Druff is able to solve the motive power problem (and he's working on it), i may return someday to the idea, maybe just in Nz120.
BTW, The head of Maintenance didnt snigger too loudly when I answered his question of why I wanted the photos....
Did you promise to surreptitiously send some copies off to him....
So the clamour and Glamour of the Diesel Era has claimed another victim!
Rah Rah Rah!
Blah, blah, blah :-P
It's never been the same since they scrapped the Dg's
Caught 7348 on Platform 9 this morning.....Ecstatic doesnt come into it....
I think I need a lie down.....
You can lie down at work can't you?
Just pretend you're plugging something in!
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