Not much as been going on at the workbench of late. I've found a couple of interesting chemistry books as PDF's (warning they are each about 4 MB) on the net that I've been reading. The first is
'Excuse me sir, would you like to buy a kilo of isopropyl bromide' which is about a startup chemical supply firm and its trials and tribulations which put my company to shame. The other more amusing one is
'Ignition' which is a history of the early rocket propellant research. For those of you who want to know if there is a fire that you can't put out, there is, and it burns concrete quite happily. The way to stop it is wait till it gets tired. I'm not sure I would have made it as far in my chosen profession in those far off heady days when researchers would merrily work in clouds of horribly toxic materials until they started seeing angels singing at which time it was off to the hospital or a nice safe desk job. How any of then survived long enough to finish anything is beyond me
Anyway, back to the real stuff. After a discussion with a Friend yesterday I looked up a plan I've been thinking about for a while now, but with a bit of a different slant to it. Yes, its the good old standby for modelers of all things west coast, Rewanui.

Most of the time this gets shrunk as its modeled by S scalers who don't have large enough rooms, and they normally only model the station. however as you can see the yard by the bins was much larger, and must have resulted in a fair few trains up and down the incline. I've come up with a differnet take on this which I'll sketch out tomorrow and post.
ARGGHH!! Its finally happened! We're plagiarising ourselves!!!
If I have a crap memory can I be accused of plagerism?
It was the chemicals, your honour! They made me sniff them....repeatedly!
Hmmm Bondy and Co riding Shotgun in stubbys!!! :-0
In this case, lack of intent (or brains, if you prefer) is no defence in the eyes of the law.
Now if that has been a picture of you in Bondy's picture, I could see why your conscious mind would have purged it from whatever dark recesses it possesses, but since it's of him, I'd have thought it would have been exposed more prominently!
never use 'prominantly' and 'stubbies' in the same sentence
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