Like Chateau Druff, things seem to be very quiet also in the Waihaorunga Creek Workshops. Not too sure the reason why....maybe its the long cold winter nights that are starting to close in, or the fact the work has just got 33% busier than it was. CAD time and enthusiasm seem to both be MIA at the moment, but at least a few things have been stirring in the South of the North over the last few weeks:
- In a fit of absolute madness, Cabbage has sent away for a 1:7 point kit and accessories from fasttracks ( His rational? "I wasnt too sure if their products would be useful for Sn3½, so I ordered the N one to see what it was like as I know the Waihaorunga Creek boys could use it". So in preparation for the arrival of this piece of Code 55 goodness, I drew up an overlay of the template available on the website with the sleeper spacings of a standard 1:7½ turnout from the guild plans

I'm not too sure how we are going to marry it together, as the PCB sleepers (in red) are an integral part of the assembly jig and holds everything in place while it is removed and placed on the layout. Maybe we need to replace them one at a time after the wooden laser etched sleeper pack is glued on...who knows. With a 6-8 week shipping time, we wont be finding out the answer anytime soon.
- Production times are creeping up on us again, and in reality its because we dont want to overload our Mr Laser with meaningless trivialities when he could be making lots more money from those more wealthy (Despite him trying to get the well paying stuff out of the way quickly so he can get to our "fun" projects). However, we've pitched an idea to him that he has leaped at: Namely us "renting" the business for a day one weekend and having him and all 4 of his lasers at our disposal - might finally mean the ZH and ZG finally get finished, I can get stuff to those who are waiting and I can start on another project, namely:
- After the J was finally finished and the shell shock wore off, I started casting about for the next "impossible" I'm now toying with either a 44' Car or a 43' Birdcage carriage. Initial drawings in 0.4mm ply with 0.25 mylar strapping for the fine moldings show it might be possible:

In idle moments at work I'm designing the celestory roof in my head and how to make it part of the structure....
But thats not all....we're also playing with Code 64 and 72 wheels (on order from the States), CNC axles (in discussions with a lathe owner), Type 18 bogie frames (Drawings care of KiwiBonds to complete), 2mm Acrylic locomotive frames (prototype on my workbench)....but it really is all still in the "Suck it and see" phase. When will any of it be finished? Who knows....None of us are in love with the hobby enough at the moment to want to push it. Most of these projects are just noodling along, especially the wheels and track one....we want to make sure we can do the undergubbins accurately first before starting on the matching tops. BTW, this is what a /64 wheel on a CNC shouldered axle (perfect back to back) would look like in a scale Type 18 bogie...

There is a lot more really, but again, we arent pushing these things....its just not the season for that sort of carry on....
For your useless trivia collection.
This is post number 666 on the blog, which as well as being the number of the beast, is the lowest number that was never used by the NZR in steam loco days.
(I can hear ECMT warming up in the wings to prove me wrong).
If it may please the Jury, I have a 3D CAD file nearly ready to send for RP for a type 14 freight bogie, so please don't anyone else spend any time on trying to make these. Bolster will be a separate plug-in part, so the sideframe spacing can be varied to suit different axle lengths - a bit of future-proofing.
Good stuff ww. I've sent my type 18 to Majiclan (I never can spell that) and he might find some time to finish it off...
Gets worse, try pronouncing it...
Guess I better do some work on the Type18 then.
I think of it as Ma-Gi-Can, said the same way one would ask for a Mojito in a bar.
A Ma-Gi-To?? Could have sworn there was an H in it....Actually, maybe its Ma-Hi-Kan (The Mexican Nz120 modeller).
Actually, I think its Ma-Jicken (rhymes with chicken). I'm sure he'll explain it one day.
You were obviously away from school they day they did Spanish.
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